Saturday 3 June 2017

Some attachments

Why don't Buddists vacuum in corners? Because they have no attachments of course! I give thanks I've not vacuumed anywhere today actually...

I give thanks for making dhal for tea this morning, pasta with roasted veg, feta and sundried tomato pesto at lunchtime for lunch and a batch of unfortunately irresistible flapjacks in between. I would have made someone a wonderful...  Haha, oh no, I wouldn't...not unless they worked on an oil rig or something and were only around some of the time!

Um, what else? Well the clouds were pretty last night...little puffs of peach turning pink against the streaky stormy grey. I didn't get a picture, only of the retreating rain beforehand, but I give thanks for that, for Come Dine With Me making me laugh...and for finally battling my way into that cunningly and tightly sealed package. For the iron inside being as good as you might expect for £4, if not slightly better! My bank balance was too light this week to buy a proper one, but proper ones are too heavy for my weedy wrists anyway, so no need to fret about that.

I know some people are surprised I still iron at all, but when you've hand made beautiful cotton bedding, it's much better to use it smooth... and I'm mid-alteration of a Monsoon silk top (second hand off ebay of course) that I've loved for two years but never worn because it is silly too big, and that needs a bit of a press on the new seams. I give thanks for my cunning stunts with pins and needles and sewing machines...

So...I'm a chef in the kitchen, a seamstress in the living what other rooms do I shine? Ahem...well I'm pretty damn good in the office too! In between cooking, and laundering I've been gathering documentation from all manner of devices and converting to attachable formats to send to a chap in housing who may be able to help with the long running sagas of non management here. I give thanks for my perseverance.

And talking of long running sagas and perseverance, I realise I've been writing this blog for a few days shy of SIX years. I give thanks for being f-f-fantastically awesome too!

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