Tuesday 23 January 2018

Pieces of action

Yay, I give thanks I went on a train! Just one stop to a shop that was having a fabric sale. I can't do anything with the pieces of fabric except admire them for now...but the journey was a delight, and I've resolved to go on a few 'day trips' to other fabric shops soon to try and use this frustrating time as best as I can. I've never really reconciled myself to the loss of full use of my left hand so I'm hoping when I get more use of my right one back I'll be a lot more grateful for what movement and manual dexterity remains - at least some of the time anyway! Creativity is such a pleasure and source of solace to me and I cannot imagine I'll be knitting, crocheting or rag rugging for a few weeks more at least, but I'm hoping I could manage simple something on the sewing machine before then...and if I could get that into town for some long overdue TLC it might stop me attempting it too soon. Meanwhile I give thanks for attempting to start a jigsaw, though that too maybe too soon - ouch!

I give thanks for the misty colours in the mizzly rain. For a line of seagulls on a wall...a line of geese in the sky. I give thanks for feeling much more well than yesterday and being able to go out and see such things. For my back and leg hurting less after trying sleeping with a pillow between my knees. For being able to slice a carrot again...

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