Friday 5 January 2018

Water water everywhere

I give thanks for making it to the gong bath without getting too wet or cold or blown away on the way. For a lot less pain and more energy afterwards.. There was almost a spring in my step today.

For being able to help a little with the clearing up afterwards, most notably emptying hot water bottles and carrying unused drinking ones out to the car...and being home to empty the rain container so it would last the night. Next time I'm coming back as a Pisces. Less water bearing and more swimming for me!

I give thanks I managed to squeeze my mini glittery mistletoe tree into the box where the other decorations live. It's always been a puzzle where to put it out of season and now it's not only packed away but it feels like I've been *packing* which is always a joy! I give thanks for deciding the reason I've not been able to sell my flat is that the right place for me to buy isn't available yet. Obviously this is just tweaking my perceptions, just as I'll have to tweak them if I did have a buyer and then looked to see what was out there I could afford. But it's all about perceptions isn't it? Meanwhile, back in the more usual version of reality I give thanks for unexpected sparkles everywhere including my face and hair!

I give thanks for getting all I meant to do done in town and get home again before my before my stoma bag, which had been threatening to spring a leak since installing it in the morning,  could its worst. For feeling strong enough to get back up the hill on foot as buses are too scary when you're in that state... though not as bad as cabs.  For this meaning I got to enjoy the slow breaking waves and the pastel sky and sea.

For eventually drying the many tears shed when I discovered my prescription support wear had come in the wrong colour and can't be changed. It's essential you have it but expensive to buy your own so you can get quite excited when your allotted allowance of this plain but serviceable product becomes due... Well until the order goes wrong of course. Nice underwear like nice food and travel is something I've yet to fully accept with good grace I am no longer able to enjoy, though I do better if people who still can refrain from telling me I'm lucky to have had them in the past or have had 'enough' of course... There's something about not even being able to choose from one small range the colour of your own knickers though that seems downright demeaning somehow.

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