Thursday 7 February 2019


I give thanks for going to bed at 8pm last night. My body said twelve hours up and about was quite enough, especially as I kept doing stuff, or trying to when it was so very tired. I thought I'd read a book for a while but what actually happened was I soon fell mostly sleep only getting up to decramp my muscles, or fetch sweets etc for my horrid cough until 1am when I gave thanks I woke up enough to take my meds etc... before sleeping loads more til nearly 9 am! I give thanks for my snuggly comfy bed...and my electric shower for getting me clean and awake again.

As you can imagine after all that rest I was bright as a button and raring to go today...or not! All I've wanted to do is lie on the sofa to read and do some internet window shopping, and I give thanks that in between essential chores, plus going downstairs to let in a chap to talk about replacing and mending windows, going downstairs to let in a chap to talk about moving kitchen appliances and cupboards around, and going downstairs to let in a chap to grumble and curse about having to carry shopping upstairs I've mostly done just that. In the lest case I give thanks for offering to help carry what I could but the Tesco driver preferred to carry it all and make a fuss to try to make me feel bad. He dumped the trays on my flat doorstep and then had to wait ages while I carried the groceries bit by bit to the kitchen which I hope gave him time to improve his mood before he went on to the next customer!

I give thanks I think I've finally positioned the book case where it's going to stay and another day, when I've more energy I can give it a polish and start unpacking books. I give thanks trying a test area of the bathroom floor suggests the tiles might respond to a hearty scrub (also another day)  and for having another go at my Council Tax Support application form. This is a long and detailed document and I suspect the fact that I'm currently considered not eligible for means tested benefits means I'll be considered not eligible for that either, even though the former means the latter is all the more needed!

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