Friday 22 March 2013

Cut to the change

Well, let me see...what can I give thanks for since last I wrote my blog? Lots of change the last twenty four hours plus...including a random on the spot dress swap with Rachel...and a change of plans with Peter that meant we didn't go out on a jaunt today but practiced hibernation! I give thanks for the weather that increased the sense of this being a very fine choice!

I give thanks to Bob for a  bunch of movies he put onto DVDs a while ago for me that I felt a bit guilty about not watching before but which were a perfect thing to take on a hibernation break somewhere with no TV, to Keith for his excellent homemade plum jam, and for all the catering and waiting on that Peter is doing for me...including spreading said jam on toast and bringing it to me in bed this morning and knocking up a very nice nut roast dinner last night. There are rumours of crumble later...

This Friday this time last year I was in the recovery room after my big op, drifting in and out of sleep with a big grin on my face after hearing how well it had gone. It's not the kind of surgery where you compare scars with other people but I would like to express great gratitude to Mr McGrath for doing what seems to me such a neat and nimble job and for this year of change and challenge. It's easy to forget when you're caught up in your own drama of illness and unwanted physical outcomes how these amazing people rise to their own challenges day after day in pursuit of your further health and well being. Maybe it's because I've done so much craftwork over the years but I'm in awe at the fact they take our lives in their hands and cut and sew our body parts with no option to unpick their stitching and patching and start again, day after every working day...

Aah, I hear the car of the head hunter/gatherer...I must away to be pampered some more!

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