Thursday 28 March 2013

Fair exchange

Much gratitude for not only hazy sunshine but also some mildness in the air today...would be pushing it to say it's warm but nearer it than it's been for a while...

For the jewel colours of I've loved since long before I could say their name! For having a little local fruit and shop where you can treat yourself to a seasonal regional posy or two...and a sunbeam landing on the vase and making them really glow...

For getting up in time to make some tasty pastries to take out for lunch...and Rachel being so pleased that I did! For the just-what-I-wanted biscuits that she'd brought along too...and other mutually delightful exchanges, including acupuncture for fees of course!

For this story about an inspired change of use for a confiscated car and for the kind women who had been waiting even longer for me for a taxi home offering to share so that I got a short scenic trip out as well as a ride home!

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