Friday 15 March 2013

Don't mind if I don't

Usually I find the comments section on any media article appallingly exposing of the misery and venom lurking in the hearts and minds of many. But this morning I found these fascinating offerings on celibacy, mostly from celibates interestingly enough - I don't know if there's a connection there! Gratitude one anyway...  

There is a connection to the title of my post of course which I'd already chosen last night for entirely unconnected reasons to do with not preparing any food for my tea...not even some veggies or or salad on the side - just heating things up. Lushly lazy!

I could tell from the state of joint seizure yesterday evening that I wouldn't get a lot done today either...and gratitide two: I don't mind if I don't! Talking about 'overdoing' things is something I find very lame (no pun intended!). It's such a pampered first world concept: that we might choose to do more than we possibly could...when most of what we do is so impossibly non-essential anyhow. If you're reading this you are, if not in the lap of luxury, at least standing close by it and holding its hand! You've never had to run for your life have you? And hand to mouth is what you do with the nibbles in front of the TV? Me too! I have nothing to complain about either! Bit of pain, bit of life what? Gratitude number three!

Sometimes I choose the post name after I've written the post, sometimes after I've published it with a different title - which provides an exercise in non-attachment as I do prefer them to be 'right' but refuse to change them post posting because I think that would be extra posey and sad...and implies that they were not right in the first place! What I love best is when I some random inspiration comes for a title and then the gratitudes fall in to fit it...gratitude number four for this phenomenon!

Thought you might like to see a photo of the jumper. Basically any photo of me between now and proper springtime temperatures I will be wearing this...I love it so much! The rough idea came to me during an acupuncture session (on the treatment couch you see behind me!) and I carried it around in my head until I could carry it around on my body...but I still don't understand quite how I actually managed to turn a vague idea into a woolly pully that fitted the criteria and me by winging it rather than working things out and writing them down. Gratitude number five that I did though...and I don't mind that I don't!

1 comment:

  1. Love the rainbow jumper ,brighten any day that does !!!physcodelic (forgotten how to spell that)wonder!! please correct spelling if u like : ))


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