Friday 28 June 2013

Bums on seats

​It's been some years since I changed a loo seat, years in which I've become considerably less nimble of finger and knee...and have acquired a very tiny bathroom! I'd never encountered fittings quite like the ones that came with this new one, and the instructions left me even more bemused... So, although it took an absurd amount of time, and left me ludicrously feeble afterwards, I'm exceptionally grateful for finally getting the job done today... and for at last having a wooden seat again as I do prefer them at home and have been meaning to replace the plastic one I had for over five years now!

I'm grateful I did a few other odds and ends beforehand so I could do nothing more demanding than snooze, drink Earl Grey tea, eat chocolate digestives, and watch tennis for a long while thanks for tea, TV, chocolate digestives, the roof over Centre Court and some peace to snooze in, of course!

I'm grateful for books to read, whisking me away from troubles and strife...

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