Saturday 29 June 2013

Smelling of roses

I give thanks for being extremely tired...after a long and lovely day out! I give thanks for having a great idea of a place to go, and of someone who a) might like to take me there and b) was free to do so...also for delightfully appropriate weather for the excursion...

For remarkably traffic free roads, and sunny hours spent exploring gorgeously lush English country gardens full of beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees with sparkling sea as a back drop. For delicious cakes and ice cream from the tea rooms and sosmix sausage rolls and grapes to nibble en route and sustain us on the climb. There's photos to upload but not tonight...and even they could not convey the glorious fragrances of the roses, wisteria and so on... Wonderful!


  1. what a lovely day,sounds wonderful all my favourites ,sea roses ice cream ....... : ))

  2. Sounds as though you had a dream of an excursion with all the senses receiving the maximum enjoyment. North coast of Cornwall has been covered in what you might call a damp blanket of sea mist all day. Long walk with Daniella, umpteen cups of redbush' some toasted currant loaf and sudoku the highlight here! xx


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