Sunday 30 June 2013

These foolish things

Loved the hot and sunny weather yesterday but loved the cool mist this morning too. I'm grateful I appreciate British weather! I know millions enjoy complaining about it but just enjoying it's better for you I'm sure...

I know you shouldn't dwell on the past but I'm still grateful for the memory of yesterday. Congenial and non-coerced company is always a rare treat for me, on a weekend triply so. In beautiful surroundings on a beautiful day? Years can go by in between! 

You ready for the scent of roses now?

How about this rather 'wail of steamers' view? It really is the kind of place even a non-smoking teetotaller finds themselves reaching for the cocktail glass and cigarette holder...

I'm grateful for skinny jeans for men. What else would fit the matchstick legs of those Rolling rockers? Good on them tho...fair play! For the red button that gives you a choice of court by day and of band in the evening this time of year...and thus for catching some of the Orb's great set. Gentlemen also of a certain age, but slightly younger and considerably less flamboyant!


  1. lovely gardens and yes I love our English weather and the stick men almost like a Lowry !!!painting if they had stayed still!!!!!

  2. Hi Gabi, beautiful photos as always, I can smell the roses and I am having a ciggie right now enjoying the view. The sandwich sounds wonderful too, I love a fish finger sarnie, Especially the Jamie Oliver range of fingers. Great to hear you are having a few good days, even half days. Sadly I am deteriorating rapidly and will be wheelchair bound shortly. I am travelling (again!) this Saturday with Nick and my great friend Tracie to Bali and will have to go in the chair this time :-( Oh well, onwards and upwards, I am not ready to stop yet. I will do a major blog update while I am relaxing poolside in soon, take care my friend, Juanita x


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