Tuesday 25 June 2013

Let me eat cake

​​I give thanks for the comments of encouragement on Facebook yesterday. And that, by a twist of fate, Laura phoned in the evening and offered to come round and see me in person then and there when I responded so feebly to 'How are you?' It was good to have a real hug instead of a virtual one, and someone to really talk to instead of type a few words...and to actually see some of the problems in action as it were. I think it was good too for some of the problems to see someone else coming to my door as well! And it was certainly very pleasant not to talk or think about problems for a while when I'd let off steam...So much gratitude for all of that!

This morning I was grateful that I'm slim and supple since full access to my store rooms is not possible right now but I discovered I could insinuate a part of myself into them even if things wider than me couldn't come out! Also gave thanks for being less achey today so this wasn't too much of a pain! It was tiring though, so I was very grateful for a final push to get me out of the door and down to the seafront for tea and cake. My appetite is poor when I'm stressed and depressed (and I'm sure some of you will read that and think you'd be grateful for such a state of affairs!) but I always think when you don't feel like eating anything much it's better to eat something than not at all. And I'm definitely grateful that I can eat cake and still get into small spaces...

I gave thanks too when the pharmacist was out and I couldn't pick up my prescription right away as it meant I bided my time in a charity shop or two and found on the rail a dress that had been in the window a couple of weeks ago, and I had not thought to see again (except perhaps on its purchaser) as it was so pretty...but it also turned out to be a rather particular shape that wouldn't fit just anybody - maybe only my body actually. There's one or two places where the seams need re sewing, perhaps where more ample ones have tried to squeeze in but my body can deal with that I think too! I shall definitely see it on its purchaser now!

Oh, and just before I 'went to press' with this, sitting down to some tennis for the first time today and catching the end of the latest giant kill...and by a Brit girl too! Thank you to Miss Robson for bringing another smile...

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