Friday 7 June 2013


The milk of human kindness can be a tricky thing to pour. You might bestow yours on someone who is lactose intolerant or who keeps a herd of cows of which you're not aware. The recipient might not welcome the world version you envision in which you are abundant in beneficence and they lack and are in need. It is to be hoped, if so, they find the appropriate kind of kindness in their response. I am grateful for the opportunity to explore these thoughts...and dwelling much on tricky to glimpse cosmic obviousnesses of late I've had cause to be grateful for paper hankies a few times too!

I'm grateful for the mostly cloudy sky, having walked (relatively) far and wide yesterday and being singularly disinterested in getting up, let alone out today.

​For an angle grinder in the vicinity giving me a good opportunity to practise meditation during loud noise...and then making me give up and get out of bed​

For the sound of a child falling over in the gardens downstairs and bursting into noisy tears...and then an adult encouraging them to 'keep fresh, count to ten and take a deep breath' so that they quickly focussed and stopped​ 
crying, soon laughing and chattering again instead.​

For the sight of ivy patiently climbing a tree...

And these nigella, already lovely in their misty stage...


  1. yes difficult to actually get it right,, what one human needs may not suit another ,,so even after all the years and ive had a few(years)still cant fathom out what or how ..........but love the nigellas

  2. Absolutely love Nigella aka 'Love in a Mist', but they are far too delicate for my garden which is often quite windy. Reluctant to pull the Forgetmenots which are still hanging in there! xx


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