Tuesday 4 June 2013

Set and match

Wow, my teeth! I give thanks to the dentist for polishing away the stains and plan to take every opportunity to smile! They now almost match the lace on my Jane Austen top. ​I didn't plan to make a Jane Austen top and purists may argue that I didn't but the impure may see what I see and agree.

I give thanks for the way, if you allow it, creativity takes you places you had no idea you were on the way to when you picked up whatever instrument or medium you use and toddle off down the road...For freedom from patterns, recipes and even instructions wherever they can possibly be avoided for they bind your mind as well as guide it, you know!

Oh, and I'm grateful I have a new top to wear too...that fits the remit of no fastenings to confound my fumbly fingers and achey joints, fullness over the middle region to conceal my bag when its full, and length in the body to conceal any unscheduled emptying of the same. And that is pretty enough to make me forget all of the above for a while...

Gratitude for remembering the man on the bus the other day. Double decker and quite full with tourists and locals alike...except for a big gap around the big burly shaven headed guy at the front on the top. He kept his right arm up around shoulder height the whole journey so the chimpanzee puppet on it could look out of the window at various things. It was an interesting experience not to feel the oddest passenger!

I'm grateful I deleted some virtual 'conversations' which had been one sided or silent for a while and haunted my phone and email inboxes and contact lists...For going out in the sun for a while to warm the cockles of my heart instead...and then hearing from some of the people! For coming back in when the time felt right and it was randomly time for the tennis match I wanted to see... And for something that seems to be nut burgers mostly made in the kitchen - though I'm not quite at the end of the road with that one and will have to wait and see!

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