Saturday 22 June 2013

Pet sounds

When I wake in pain the first thing I usually do is groan, blaspheme and swear so I'm grateful there's no one around to be alarmed or offended!

Then I have to find something to distract me in a positive way and I give thanks for my Streak and the world wide web and for the wonder-full photo collections on the BBC website (not bothered about the news itself)...and then sometimes I get into a 'what would I do if I could' mood and go internet shopping or planning trips that cash or some other encumbrance scupper.

This morning I was trying to work out how to get to Scotland (again) and thought I must be imagining it when a wisp of music on the breeze sounded like bagpipes but bagpipes indeed it was, stirring not only my soul but remarkably my body too so that I did the nearest thing to leaping out of bed my body is capable of.

So I'm grateful to the folk festival for that...and other free offerings including a beautifully restored traditional caravan opposite the pet shop that you could actually go up the steps and scrape your chin off the floor in. Gorgeous, gorgeous inside! Also for the sight of a solitary be-raggled Morris dancer pulling a suitcase on wheels (not something you see everyday), shanty harmonies and cloggy dancing and for the brilliant bands at the other non-folk festival around the corner (yes, there were two!) including a Doobie Bros Long Train Running cover to blow your socks off if the wind weren't doing it already!

So yes, lots of fun things to see and do but I was grateful too for giving up and coming home after a couple of hours as the aches and pains just weren't funny any more and I needed to be on my sofa where groaning and moaning aloud is allowed and merciful sleep could ensue. And now, more or less upright again I'm grateful for junk food and junk TV which is what Saturday nights are for, aren't they? Well, all mine are fit for anyway...

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