Thursday 20 June 2013


Mmm, I give thanks a lovely grey day...we might not see far when its misty but we see with greater perception of depth.

I'm grateful for the end of that pesky fatigue diary...making me feel like a schoolgirl with homework to do! The 'teacher' only looked at one page so the usefulness of her observations was obviously limited, but I finally realised that I'm more tired when I'm in pain, and more depressed when I'm tired and in pain, and get more stressed when I'm depressed and tired and in pain, and struggling to do things I need to do let alone those I I'm grateful for that clarity about my situation, including that I only have myself to blame if I'm not enjoying what I do...  Also for the reminder that people doing their job do not actually care about you...they might be caring at their job but that's not the same thing. When you're on your own in the world you can get muddled about this sometimes...

I give thanks for these beautiful cabochons that arrived the other day. I've not a clue what I shall do with them but I was buying some trimmings from somewhere where the postage price was the same however much you bought, so of course was looking in all the website sections, even those I was sure had nothing for me...and there I found these low cost, high joy irresistibilities!

Oh and I give thanks that my acupuncture appointment is late's being a very slomo day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the tree bluey um what are cabochons are they buttony things,whatever they are they need to be on show,Gabi not many are caring enough but on my page is a story about our Dr ronan moran ,he was featured in the mail this week,if you can find it online- its a lovely story,not many like him around now, he won caring dr of the year,but I did have a gripe he won a holiday and said I had to see him for my blood results and ive had to wait until Tuesday when he gets back ,I might curtsy when I go in as he is now famous ha ha .


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