Friday 14 June 2013

Low pressure

As I've been very low in spirits recently, today I've been thinking about what there is to be grateful for in that...

Well, for a start that there's no one around to have to fake a happy face for (I look like a kicked pug when I've been crying), to make well meant but wide of the mark suggestions or to plate up the platitudes. Sadly, kind words do not make sadness go away and both parties can feel a sense of failure if they try this treatment and it doesn't succeed.

In a wry way I have gratitude for the many times of feeling deeply down I've experienced over the years, as I've learnt the best thing is to treat the mood like a weather low, batten down the hatches, wrap yourself up in as much comfort as you can find and wait for the storm to pass...

I'm grateful this phase coincides with such a bad time with my joints as I don't feel like doing a lot of physical stuff just now anyhow

I'm grateful for books to read, my drug of choice for depression...and tennis on TV

And I give thanks that I love myself because when you're sad you want to be with someone you love, don't you? I might be a misery guts but I don't suffer from lack of self esteem...that's something else entirely!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could magic your low feelings away!

    I guess your right, sometimes you just have to ride the wave!

    Goodnight Gabi
    Sweet dreams :)


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