Wednesday 26 March 2014

Dances with sleeves

I'm grateful for a long sleep yesterday evening and, after finally waking enough to go to bed, for lying in very late today.

I'm grateful for a long T shirt sleeve being so tightly turned inside out in the wash that the tissue inside it had no room to disintegrate.

I'm grateful for good indoor drying weather this morning and a grey chilly afternoon so that I could shut the windows and turn the heater on...and not get too cold undressing several times to try on the dress I'm making. I'm grateful it's going OK, though slowly, and that I persevered and set the sleeves in acceptably, and know all the most complicated parts are done. ('Acceptably' by my standards anyway...I could also give thanks I'm not on the Sewing Bee!)

I'm grateful for the sky darkening to evening rather early so I could kid myself the cause for stopping was running out of light rather than steam...and soak myself in a steamy ache soothing bath instead.

1 comment:

  1. I am also incredibly grateful that tissue is not as it used to be and does not seem to instantly disintegrate in the wash now and cover clothes in mushed up yuck! It seems to be much hardier nowadays ^_^ XOX


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