Saturday 1 March 2014

Almost there

It was another beautiful morning here, so I gave thanks for the memories of country and coast path walks and for all the people who remember to abandon the cleaning and shopping on their weekends off and get out into the great outdoors! This afternoon it was chilly, windy and grey for a while though, giving me the opportunity to be grateful I'm not a hiker any more!

Various health problems have caused difficulties with various activities today, notably eating and using my hands, but by what seems to me to be a very reasonable twist of fate if you don't feel like eating you don't have to use your hands to prepare any food. I give thanks for this, for finally making it through a small bowl of leftover stew with a slice of buttered toast earlier...and optimistically putting a jacket potato in the oven for later.

I give thanks for at last getting a new ironing board cover to (sort of) fit and whilst grovelling on the floor to do this enjoying the perfume of the hyacinth flowers on the 'fireplace'. Sometimes I find their fragrance too cloying but this is a deep reddish pink one with a gorgeous spicy smell almost like carnations. Love it, and if anyone knows what sort it is please let me know so I can find more!

I'm grateful for the internet. I was thinking the other day how much easier it's made my time being unwell. Mind you, it's made it more expensive...time was when you didn't go out you didn't spend any money! I give thanks for the opportunity it gives me to communicate a little even when there's no one there.

I'm grateful for the dusk chorus. Almost twelve hours of almost daylight we're getting now!

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