Wednesday 5 March 2014

Run of the ml

Yey, yey and thrice yey...I give thanks that the blood results from last week show that my kidney function has improved a bit again! It's not going up as fast as it was going down but it was getting a little alarmingly near the charmingly named 'end-stage' and really, I spent far too long 'terminally' ill to want to hear phraseology like that. Nobody knows why it slumped or why it's staggering back to its feet but my one lone kidney has had more adventures in its life than most families' sets of six or more, and I am grateful for its perseverance and resilience.

Even my anaemia is better with no intervention, and I have to give thanks for that too..though I'd been hoping to combine the treatment trip with a visit to Lush so, it's not all good news, you understand! I do feel better than I've done for a couple of months, but I have felt awful the last couple of months and wouldn't mind feeling a bit better still if possible so must wait and see. I've been grateful, as always, for the opportunity to remember the skinny dude with the ancient farm implement has me on his list, as this can assist in all manner of healthy thoughts and actions, like taking holidays, and making life more comfortable in whatever way one can. In my case this has included ordering a new mattress and working out a way to rearrange storage in my extremely compact bedroom so things are easier to get to. I'm grateful to Bob for suggesting Gumtree for a second hand chest of drawers, to Jo for picking up one I found near her... and to my bank balance for bearing up!

After pottering about with this and that this morning I was grateful for one of my keel over on the spot naps this afternoon (luckily the spot was the sofa and I did get the tea mug on the table first!); for waking up in time for letting in the cheery Tesco delivery lady I've not seen for a while, and the chance for a natter and a catch up; and this evening for a couple of hours spent what I might not do the best, but do do the most joyfully...playing about! I've a yen to find a use for some of my odds and ends of yarn...maybe some cushion covers? I give thanks for the delights of unplanned creativity but I'd better untie myself from the trailing balls of wool and get some supper on before I keel over again!

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