Monday 10 March 2014

Not the same thing

Some things you can have the matter with you get better when the weather's warmer, don't they? But some do not. In fact they can seem a whole lot worse when the sun is shining and you'd like to be outside and can't be. And something that's almost as bad as that is when well meaning but ill informed people assume you must be feeling better and say so. I give thanks I've not the strength even to hurl verbal abuse when this happens...

I give thanks that even though I have no garden to relax in I can see more natural beauty from my flat that many folk who have. If sitting or lying down often all I can see is trees and sea and sky, and the odd bird passing walls or roads or people!

I give thanks for this great idea to see more of the same as it changes...

And for the sea today not doing lace so much as beading or veil maybe?

I give thanks for someone I've not seen for many years asking if they can come and stay for a couple of days en route to somewhere else. I don't know if they will actually come, but it's nice even to be thought of as a possibility. And for two separate Jennies offering me two separate lifts! Just need to stir myself to get off the sofa and get ready for the second...

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