Tuesday 10 June 2014

Out on the winding

I give thanks for the many hopeful travellings and happy arrivings of the last twenty four hours' journeys starting with Beth meeting me after choir for a stroll by the evening blue sea and sky, and finding exactly the kind of glass I was looking for, used but unbroken, randomly on the pavement on the way home...right down to exactly what I ordered for dessert in the restaurant I've wanted to go to for years this evening - even before I saw it was on the menu!

Especial gratitude for having my breakfast cooked for me this morning, and the chance to go up on the moor this afternoon, where I've not been in daylight since last spring and was delighted to visit and share some favourite scenic spots...including this one where she could be a rock chick, and where there appeared to be a few there very late and strangely placed bluebells waiting for our appreciation. You're probably thinking 'Bluebells? Are you sure?' Well, we were puzzled too but they sure did look like them and what else do you know that might grow on a windy moor that does?

I give thanks for being very tried, and for having had too much to be grateful for too record any more of it for now...

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