Thursday 13 November 2014

Don't diss order

Why don't Buddhists vacuum in corners? Because they have no attachments! I'm a little attached to cleanliness and order, but not to the point where it becomes a disorder, I'm grateful to say, as if I got anxious if things weren't kept clean and tidy life would be pretty difficult these days!

I'm grateful I vacuumed the middle of the living room floor this morning as I wanted to pin some fabric that without attaching carpet dirt to it. And I'm grateful I wrestled the carpet attachment off and put on a little brush just right for getting dust off lampshades and picture rails. Unfortunately after using it my hands were too sore for sewing and most of the afternoon was spent in dozing. I'm grateful those screamy children next door were out!

I'm grateful eventually I pinned and even sewed the seam... And for another nap after that.

I'm grateful after eighteen months of trying to get the dirt and debris strewn around by the ex tenants of upstairs removed, it seems to have been done. And I'm grateful I've not checked the quality of the cleaning in the communal areas today in case I find I want to improve it.

I'm grateful for being able to read the Big Issue in the bath instead of selling it in the rain. Pretty much everyone I know wouldn't envy me where live, but quite a lot of folk I don't know would do.

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