Tuesday 18 November 2014


I give thanks for making it through a very busy couple of days by current standards, unscathed except for being sleepy and chilly rather than chilling which often happens when I'm tired, and which I'm sure will wear off when I stop trying to achieve things and settle down with a snuggly throw and the remote control!

I give thanks for an invigorating acupuncture treatment from Rachel last night and for a lovely meal she made while the needles did their thing. Gratitude for her sous chefs at Cauldron foods and Tesco, and to John for contributing delicious home grown red cabbage! I give thanks for a less demanding choir session than usual due to the fact that the two 'new' songs we learned were actually pretty old, so old I'd sung both of them before at school...and gratitude that I remembered them both with fondness.

I give thanks to Jenny for cleaning my bathroom and windows and floors, and for changing a very high up light bulb that conveniently blew just before she arrived. I also give thanks to Laura for taking me and a pile of defunct items to the recycling centre where I also claimed a large old saucepan just right for non culinary needs. And I also give thanks to both of them for the pleasure of their company...

I give thanks that a rather random phone call revealed I have another appointment for intravenous iron next week as I've not yet received a letter about it, and that the brown stain on my arm where they failed to master the intravenous bit last time should eventually fade though it may take a very long time. They do seem to think I really need the treatment so I've reluctantly agreed to another attempt, and I'm grateful this means I'll be in reach of a Lush store and can treat myself at the same time!

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