Monday 24 November 2014

Sharp and sweet

I'm grateful that after much mutual consultation it was decided to postpone my treatment was far too sunny to have to spend it traipsing to the hospital and back. I was grateful for waking up early enough to see the tail end of a glowing sunrise though, and early enough to beat the pain so that I was able to get a few things done before it seized me.

I'm grateful it was my hands that were most affected and that my knees were still willing to take me down to the seafront, and I gave particular thanks for my almost totally zip and button free wardrobe so that I could get suitably cosily dressed to do so. I'm grateful for a most acceptable pre-packed lemon drizzle cake now that the "real" ones are out of season at the cafe...and for lots of places to sit!

I'm grateful for a lift home from Knit and Natter and leaving the library building in time to see the pretty colours at sunset too. I'm grateful the children next door are having so much fun, otherwise I might have fallen asleep before I finished writing this!

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