Tuesday 3 February 2015

Just in case

For someone who vowed to spend more time being there's been a lot of doing of late, so I've been very grateful for any oases of stillness in between. My body demanded another one before choir finished last night, seizing up like it often does in the morning so that standing up and sitting down again were very hard to do in time with the rest of the throng but I'm grateful I managed to stagger to the refreshment table and avail myself of one of Jenny's delushious toffee apricot flapjacks! 

I'm grateful for being able to go straight to bed afterwards and not get up until late today, munching on a brunch of leftover kedgeree from last night. I'm always grateful when Rachel makes my tea but I'm not sure I've ever had kedgeree before and I'm sure I should more often...

I'm grateful I let Maddy play with blow drying my hair after trimming it today, she's young and newly qualified and it must be very boring that I never want anything done. It did look nice when she'd finished (and was warmer than going out with a wet head on a cold day, of course) but I didn't think it actually looked nice on me, if you see what I mean so I've warned her that it's unlikely to happen again.

 I'm grateful for meeting Linda for a natter so she could give me my gloves, even though she didn't...and that I have plenty more pairs to wear. And as for the first time in ages I had some time in town and some pennies in my pocket, I'm grateful for looking in a few shops and finding some rather splendid bargains including coveted wrapping paper at 20p a roll, a half price pretty little case I might put my painting things in and even reductions at the bakers! I'm also grateful for stocking up on inactivity since I've been home again...

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