Saturday 21 February 2015

Stripping it down

I give thanks that yesterday evening I felt uncharacteristically lively for an hour or so and used the time wisely to prepare food for today when I feel even more sore and stiff than usual. 

I give thanks for my singing teapot. Maybe singing isn't exactly the sounds a bit like an extremely tiny or very distant Tibetan monk chanting but it's quite enchanting to me! I give thanks for the selection of interesting teas Bob got me for Christmas and that Rachel gave me some self fill teabags to make making a brew less messy. I give thanks for my William Morris pattern mug and tray (useful and beautiful), my almost twenty year old teapot and its new jolly stripy hand knitted cosy and the cosy and cossetted feeling I get from preparing myself a cup of tea with these.

I give thanks for the sound of two sets of arguing neighbours reminding me how lucky I am to have no one to shout at me...nor indeed anyone I feel the need to yell at myself.

I give thanks that I've now finished knitting Bob's belated Christmas jumper and am half way through sewing it up. I'm also grateful it's a Christmas gift jumper not a now out of season design...and I'm pretty sure he is too! I've a few other knitting and crochet projects I want to get back to and get on with when it's completely completed, and as I'm not entirely sure what sewing I'd like to do next, I've decided to make strips of some left over fabric and sew them together in case it's something to do with that...

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