Saturday 16 May 2015

Heart's ease

I give thanks in retrospect for the last couple of days being delightfully light on pain so that it's been easier to catch up with out of the house I've actually been grateful it's settled back in so I've been able to settle in to catching up on snoozes and rest. I've been grateful for the sunshine for those who've been out and about, and for the warmth to have the windows open and get the washing dry. I'm very grateful for my washing machine and clothes racks too...and the almost not there smell of Method Fresh Air.

My beady eyes are not what they used to be, my beady hands even less so (and let's not even go there regarding co-ordination between the two!) so I give great thanks for finishing making my first piece of jewelry for several years. It took in hours close to what it would have taken in minutes before but hey I could do it, and now it's done! I give thanks to Jan for sterling support in the supplies department...

I give thanks for another day's menu of left over bits and bobs from fridge and freezer. There's usually some pretty good things in there so it's no hardship, certainly less hardship than all that preparation malarky when you're tired. I'm grateful I'm in the midst of a big sort out so there's too much stuff lying about to do any other household chores apart from washing up.

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