Tuesday 19 May 2015

La la land

I give thanks for a tasty co-created dinner with Rachel yesterday, the washing up done while I absorbed an excellent treatment, and a most enjoyable choir practice where, though we were learning new songs, they were ones that were easy to pick up so that we could let our voices ring out rather than being a bit frightened to. I was in post acupuncture la la land anyway so extra appreciative of the convivial atmosphere, the strange way almost everyone was in colour coordinated clothes and the excellent home made cakes at break time!

By the time I got home I was shattered and sore and woke up the same way too, so I would have been grateful only to get up for tea and toast making if someone living nearby hadn't wanted to listen to their radio in the garden - without actually having a radio in the garden, but instead having the one in their flat loud enough to hear there through their open window. I'm grateful the screamy child the other side was out so I could doze on the sofa for a while instead and that eventually I was driven to go down and ask them to turn it down...because there's no harm in asking politely is there? Well, I hope not! They seemed genuinely puzzled that I could hear it better indoors than they could outside so we'll have to see if they work out why and remember or care. It does take a lot of consideration to live here considerately and we can't restrict our activities to only those no one else can overhear even if we mean to....

Anyway I give thanks for earplugs to enable a restorative nap, that it's quiet this evening so I can have a bath without the taps rattling, and I give thanks I've a smoked haddock fishcake with cheese sauce inside in the oven for my tea...I love those!

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