Monday 11 May 2015

Ill logical

I'm grateful I didn't post the following on Facebook earlier. The mood everyone seemed to be in it wouldn't have cheered them up I guess, although it was meant to... 'Special thoughts today for all my Facebook friends without permanent painful and life limiting conditions. I see you all grumbling on here and realise how lucky I am!' It's true though that having your day boil down to simple questions like 'Can I get out of bed/get dressed/feed myself/wash up?' can be marvellous for focusing on priorities. I give thanks that ill health has taught me so much about well being...

And while we're on the subject, I give thanks for the capricious nature of the pain I have and how, when it keeps me awake at night, I can entertain myself puzzling over which activities might have caused which bits...and then puzzle over why I do this! Because while thumbs and wrists, neck and shoulders, elbows and knees are usually easily explained by any of the above, there's always toe joints to dumbfound me or the muscles in my chest...have I been breathing without due care and attention, or using my feet to type and forgetting about it?

I give thanks when I felt nauseous this afternoon I figured it was fear of seeing my latest blood test results rather than symptoms of the various malfunctions they show... and that I thought to sit in the evening sun on the back beach to open them so I felt fortunate to be there whatever they said. And I'm grateful I then didn't drop dead of shock at how good they were! Last month's were the worst for some years and, aware that the doctors can offer nothing but the life support of dialysis and there are no miracle alternative cures, I'd remembered being in a not dissimilar situation before and beating the odds, and decided to try some of my own ideas of ways to approach it...And as this month's were the best they've been for a long long time, I'm thinking maybe I'll carry on!

I'm grateful both Rachel and I made dishes for tea today and they went together most tastefully...

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