Wednesday 6 May 2015

Magic roundabout

Yesterday evening, particularly poorly, I was grateful to remember the night before that I'd felt unbelievably well for a while so that I was bouncing about like Zebedee instead of getting the impression I was about to fall off the magic roundabout all together. I give thanks for all the times I feel reasonably OK, and even more for the ones I feel unreasonably so, but also for another hint that all things change and getting attached to a way you'd prefer them to be is a surefire recipe for disappointment.

Today I give thanks for trying to get more rest and do more nothing - though it's not my strong point a gripping episode of Catfish helped and some idling around on eBay where someone hitting the s instead of the w meant a common teem for monochrome came out sounding rather rude. I'm grateful I found a way to describe it without writing the word.

I give thanks for finding out you can not only put a tick instead of a cross on your ballot paper if you want, but even a smiley face by the candidate you choose as long as your intentions are clear.  Be fun to draw emoticons demonstrating your feelings about each of the parties wouldn't it? They're missing a trick there I feel...

I give thanks I've Greek salad and garlic bread for my tea. It's blood tests again tomorrow so I should probably just stick to water, air and prayer but really sometimes I can't.

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