Thursday 6 August 2015

Fly by day

I give thanks for the doziest of days, and that it hasn't mattered. I give thanks that most of the neighbourhood noise was mostly further away than it sometimes is.

I give thanks for changing my Facebook befriending option from 'friends of friends' to 'everyone' so Liz could, and thus seeing the photo that explains why people who don't know us well get us muddled (if they could see the way our timelines are both full of water and sky that might muddle them too!) I give thanks for later getting a message from someone I didn't know and thinking 'Ah, random people will contact me now...' before discovering it was a friend of a friend, albeit one not physically here any more.

I give thanks for rescuing a spider and releasing a buzzy bothersome fly. I give thanks for the washing machine doing the washing, and for being mostly vegetarian so that leftovers last a long time!

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