Monday 17 August 2015

Wherever I lay my head

Well I'm sure I would have benefited from an acupuncture treatment today but, as Rachel couldn't come,  I'm grateful I've benefited from extra nap time instead. I'm grateful for eventually getting out to do the things that had to be done there, and for the holidaymakers leaving me a little bit of sunshine and an empty seat to rest on.

I'm grateful that though when I came home it was noisy with neighbours enjoying the weather too, by the time I'd snuggled down on the sofa for a snooze it was quiet.

I'm grateful for the first pillowcase revamping finished and on a pillow ready for my head... I'm grateful for finding a misplaced bus pass and a misplaced £20 note...

I'm grateful for getting few other jobs done while I've been writing ..and a few more said 'Oh sod it! to... I'm grateful this time tomorrow I should be miles away from housework, cooking and washing up!

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