Tuesday 20 September 2016

Balancing fact

I give thanks for Rachel treating me - to acupuncture (which didn't take the pain away but relieved some of the suffering), having a cup of tea made and the washing up done...plus the pleasure of being in the company of someone who gets the stuff that goes on in my head and doesn't mind listening to it. I wouldn't wish suffering on anyone but I give thanks in retrospect that she, a seasoned Vipassana meditator, had to hobble out of a retreat one time when sciatica attacked, and knows it's an agony that defeats even the most valiant attempt at 'breathing through'. Damn fine vegetable gardener's pie too...it seemed huge and I thought there might be leftovers but we just kept going back for more!

I give thanks to Colin for suggesting some stretches (which didn't physically help much either but which gave me the pleasant sensation of another being wanting to do what they could to help) Also for some mathematical musing on the equation for happiness. I've just been reading about what's currently thought about that in the mighty tome Sapiens which I was gratefully lent a while ago. It's chemicals that make us 'happy' of course, and health and wealth and mutually loving relationships can encourage us produce a goodly supply, but things can fall out of kilter when our preferred sources are reduced or gone. A sense of purpose or meaning to our lives can redress the balance and plenty of that can outweigh a lack of the others...Otherwise...? I give thanks the best bet seems to be to have Buddhist aspirations and try not to be care whether you're happy or not. I'm working on it...

I give thanks to Laura who, unaware of my particular struggles right now, rang up to see if I'd like to be driven anywhere...and who drove me to some important places including some where the important thing was just look and see....

I give thanks for the hazy but mild sunshine; for a good chat with a good friend; for the curious experience of seeing my reflection entering a mirrored lift and thinking it was someone else already in there...someone younger and prettier than me! For a cheery Tesco delivery chap and lots of easy things to eat, as I'd planned to try and make a turmeric laden curry to help with the inflammation but I can only really stand on one leg and the other one is getting tired... On the plus side you could probably fry an egg on my left buttock if you had peculiar tastes, weren't in a hurry and didn't mind a bit of exaggeration.

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