Thursday 1 September 2016

Block and tackle

I give thanks for waking up from the kind of busy dreams you have when you try to block thoughts during the day but your subconscious mind insists on dealing with anyway. I'm not a worrier, but I do like to have a plan and sometimes that means a lot of thinking...and rethinking...and then rethinking all over again.

Actually I woke up several times, and I give thanks this meant I woke up at getting up time tired...otherwise I might have rushed around trying to do too much too quickly.

I give thanks for things to do to do with going on another little trip...For my train being delayed but that the connecting one was delayed behind it so I could still catch it. For during the delay realising Jan would be on the connecting train so I could walk down it the carriages and find her instead of meeting at the station.

I give thanks I'm not far from a bed as I'm  very sleepy... and, as I'm on intermittent internet, I  give thanks if I manage to upload this.

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