Monday 12 September 2016

Missing me

I give thanks for finding a new crossword app that kept me from thinking about the things that were keeping me from sleeping last night... And for thus waking much later than I have been lately and missing some thinking time then as well.

Running late all day, I missed the last of the pasties I thought I'd grab in town to make up give thanks for missing lunch so I gave thanks for finding some spare veg I'd cooked up and frozen some time ready for some quick pastafication. I must resist eating all the ready made pies...

According to my horoscope I might say all the wrong things today and I give thanks I've been trying to say them only in my head! It's been a day rich in niggles and I give thanks to Jenny for giving me a lift and for a few chuckles in the conversation at knitting, as well as during a message exchange with a vendor on eBay who seemed to share my sense of humour.

I give thanks for coming across news of the Cybathlon, an event putting technological aids for people with physical disabilities through competitive events including slicing bread, going up stairs and putting out the washing! If you don't get why this is important you are indeed most blessed...

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