Saturday 10 June 2017

Back in touch

Um, ho hum...bit of a struggle to stay grateful, well...I'm grateful that I try! I've not been especially delighted to be re-acquainted with the path of my sciatic nerve...nor to be lacking in sociable acquaintances to take my mind off the associated discomfort and confinement but I have been grateful it's a path not a multi lane motorway of pain, and not a gorgeous summer's day making me feel extra lonesome and locked in... For it being the kind of rain that doesn't need emptying indoors!

I give thanks for working on some crosswords, and some stitchery witchery trying to mend and make fit a reduced price summery top I actually bought in a shop... It's not finished yet, but hey, no rush it seems...

For realising, after fretting a little that people would be upset whichever way the election went, that it seems as if most sides feel as if they've won...

For the human neighbours being quiet...and some of the noisiest flies I've ever encountered being persuaded to buzz off

For some interesting documentaries and Jan taking taking the time to have a bit of virtual chat and keep me in touch with the world outside my head...

1 comment:

  1. Haha or doing your head in ;) any time to want to chat I'm here


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