Sunday 5 August 2018

Golden brown

I gave thanks I didn't have a car last night, listening to the bickering over parking places wafting up on the evening air. For pondering on the trend for using the phrase 'Don't mean to be funny but...' when about to say something bordering on belligerent.

I give thanks I love my henna tattoo now it's deepened to its full glory. Just as I intended it makes me think of my foot as decorative not defective, and because I love looking at it so much I have my foot up more often when I'm sitting down so my foot is actually less swollen even when I walk around on it. Win win for me....

I give thanks for taking it for quite a bit of walking today, with lots of sitting down in between. I fancied going somewhere quite close I've never been in the height of the season before, and was quite taken aback by quite how crowded it was. A bit Torquaymolinos for my tastes but I give thanks for the cool of the waterfall...and the very agile and acrobatic flyboarder!

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