Thursday 7 March 2019


I give thanks though today's major clumsiness involved turquoise blue paint, and so was majorly messy, most of it dropped on a tarpaulin and some rather scraggy leggings that don't really matter. And of course even attempting painting means my hands have been less sore today so I'm grateful for that.

On the whole all the pain is better today, though I couldn't get comfy in the night so I've not a lot of get up and go and give thanks I'm going to gongs this evening so not much daytime getting up and going required.  I give thanks for the bright sunshine, and watching the babbling streams of people pausing to take pictures of black birds. For a soothing hot water bottle on my throbbing kidney...

I give thanks for lots of sitting down between the routine chores, enjoying a lot of catch-up TV including the chilling Leaving Neverland and the baking celebrities making me laugh.  It was on last year's show that I first saw someone else's hand seize up like mine does - a Special Olympian whose name eludes me. It was a bit of epiphany realising I'm not alone suffering this. Today there's mostly been trouble with a forearm going into cramp. I give thanks for seeing that happen to Rafael Nadal once. I'm clearly really rather fit!

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