Thursday 21 March 2019


I give thanks for sleep, what marvellous stuff! For waking feeling quite refreshed though morning chores soon put paid to that despite fitting in numerous small rests. I look forward to the day when 'Oh you'll feel so much better on dialysis' comes to pass. Meanwhile I give thanks I'm gradually getting to the end of the moving in jobs  - unpacking and finding at least temporary homes for things.

I give thanks for Julie doing some shopping for me... For the marvels of mobile communication that made this so much easier on both sides. And for the miracle of the internet so I could advertise my free empty banana boxes and someone could respond. There's nine of them and I put 'can be split' on the post partly because they can and partly as it appealed to my sense of humour.

I give thanks for someone saying she'd pick them up and getting them all ready. Ah, the misplaced bliss of believing people... On the other hand I give thanks for not having to go downstairs again - it's been a down and up sort of day! I give thanks for more misplaced delight when I had a call from the DWP. I thought maybe they'd forgiven me for selling my flat but no, they wanted to find out why I'd taken money out of my pension. To buy another I said, because the money from selling my flat you are punishing me for wasn't enough... Oh dear, it gets worse doesn't it?

Meanwhile I give thanks for all the sorting out Julie helped me with this afternoon. Look I have kitchen curtains! I also have a stereo but it doesn't seem to be working - hopefully it just needs me to go through the remaining boxes I've just stacked up and find the remote control! Some other day...

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