Sunday 3 March 2019


I give thanks for my Facebook 'friends'.
I don't have many and most ignore me most of the time but seeing their posts reminds me of the different ways there are to have a life on this planet.  Sometimes via their words and pictures I get a chance to imagine myself in what seem like pleasant situations I'd otherwise not experience at having a loving family or easy access to places off the local bus route. Sometimes though they post stuff that makes me go... What? How can you believe that... Or think that? Or imagine that's a good thing to share? I aim for tolerance, understanding and compassion but my initial visceral reaction can be less than kind or even polite, which I think needs working on. So today I was delighted when I read something and the thought that popped into my head was 'Not my path'. What a useful and memorable little phrase to add to 'This too shall pass' for all kinds of situations. I already personally believe there's not much point in trying to change other people's point of view, and in most cases it's not our place to point out what we perceive as errors or faults but I feel this will help me be less internally judgemental. I do hope so!

I give thanks for less pain today, though a night of frequent waking up with muscle spasms and technical malfunctions left me very tired. For a morning spent mostly in bed and then an hour or so of light home and lunch making. I decided to try creating  a less renally brutal version cauliflower cheese substituting feta for cheddar and oat milk for dairy. And I give thanks it was rather yummy!

I give thanks for a long nap on the sofa wrapped up in two blankets to save the electric bill with the sound of the wind howling as I dropped off and a little patch of sunshine warming me when I woke...

I give thanks for Douglas Adams...the world he left behind is richer for the Hitcher!

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