Monday 24 June 2019


Woohoo! I give thanks for our brand new entryphone system...and for Mima flat sitting so it could be fitted and the fire alarm tested. For a cheery taxi driver whisking me to the hospital on time to find a) there wasn't a machine ready and b) even when it should have been ready there was some technical problem causing more delay. I was grateful this meant I got to eat my sarnie with both hands, and that when the charge nurse was called over to work his magic, he not only found the error but said he'd take over the needle work, as he is the quickest and most efficient one for the job! He's also good fun to talk to, and the go to person for agreeing to treatment shortening as I was determined to get home in time for Rachel arriving, so a win win thing in the end.

I give thanks that she had said she would far rather contribute to decorating than catering so, with the help of a Waitrose dish from the freezer I'd managed to rustle something up with all the other stuff going on...and she went up the ladder and painted most of the top bits of the bathroom walls while her needles did their thing! I was so grateful...and she was rather chuffed I took over washing up and brush washing too. We may do this again...

I'm grateful for feeling fairly relaxed about tomorrow at the moment...or at least worrying more abut having to get up in good time, rather than what I'm getting up for! The trick now is not to fall asleep yet, as I am very tired by all the busyness of the day...or I'll be awake in the small hours fretting!

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