Friday 21 June 2019


At the end of a trying day with transport, treatment etc, I stepped out of a taxi with an infuriating driver to find the sun still wonderfully warm, the trippers are dispersing and my favourite of the cafes along this street still open for a mug of tea and a slice of delicious carrot cake.I gave lots and lots of thanks! It's literally feet away from my doorstep, more mellow than the big one further along, and look, they have one of my favourite flowers on the tables giving out their fabulous spicy fragrance too.

I give thanks with my hunger and thirst thus assuaged I can catch up with today's recorded tennis. Yesterday had some excellent matches with surprising outcomes so I asked for the TV to be put on above my chair on the ward but it wouldn't go to the right channel, and though I could connect to the internet and watched some play on my tablet on my lap it wasn't ideal with various interruptions and disruptions. I give thanks for catching a few zzzs instead when things quietened down, and for avoiding any results

I give thanks it's the weekend...and that the weather tomorrow is said to be set fair. I plan to go along the coast a mile or two for fresh veg and some of that lush lemon curd ice cream. For my mobile which had a hissy fit earlier deciding to work again. I don't mind trying a new battery but really don't want to get another phone at the moment with so much financial outlay and uncertainty. For feeling so much better now they've stopped trying to remove fluid that isn't there...and for being able to eat lots of lovely food once more. Well at least twice more actually :-D

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