Tuesday 25 June 2019


Without nail and I am so grateful to be the other side of this procedure I was dreading much more than much more complex and dangerous surgeries I've had. For very friendly helpful staff in attendance and my first go with a virtual reality headset which they are trying out to make the reality of what's going on easier to deal with for patients. Top marks from me on the feedback form, an absolutely brilliant idea!

I give thanks for Mima driving me to and fro, including a detour to a bistro on a hillside so I could treat her (and myself of course) to a rather fancy lunch in the hazy sunshine. It was all nice but the creme brulee was maybe the best I've ever had. Divine! I give thanks for thus making a hospital procedure on a day that's supposed to be a day off from hospital procedures feel like a pleasant outing.

It's been really muggy this afternoon so I've been grateful for changing into shorts and lounging around enjoying the post post-op adrenaline rush dreamy doziness. For sounds wafting in from outside that remind me of every summer everywhere, not because they are especially seasonal noises I guess but because you only hear them when the weather is warm and windows are open - the clatter of crockery, a baby crying, a radio on somewhere. Close my eyes and I could be a child again with a cotton frock and scabby knees and the path of my life stretching out before me.

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