Wednesday 5 June 2019


Apart from the acupuncture, company, washing up and praise for my food or having some cooked for me (all of which I'm very grateful for!) another perk of Rachel coming is that I usually do some housework before she arrives so that the place is clean and spruce. Feeling pretty feeble this morning I found the cleaning and sprucing quite hard going but I sure did appreciate it coming home from the hospital even more tired and wan. And with my kitchen (briefly) spick and span I could also appreciate the efforts of Clive and myself in carrying on creating the delightfully unsleek retro kitchen that I had in mind. OK he did all the cutting and drilling and screwing but I came up with the plan and design and ran up a couple of tie backs for the curtains while I was waiting for him last night. I really give thanks sometimes I live alone and can give my decorative choices as free rein as my purse, capabilities and persuasive powers allow!

It was a bit of a trying day at the office today with a painful blown vein and then a vicious blood pressure plummet making me feel faint and nauseous, so I was grateful for all the care and attention I got when I needed it. and for a late lunch and a snooze to set me right. For the Co-op for selling six very passable mini apple pies for a pound - just right to take for  a tasty dessert! I'm particularly grateful it's Rachel's turn to cook as well and that she's making me a cup of tea of tea while I type and she rustles up kedgeree. Oh and for rain in Paris meaning I didn't miss any tennis. I give thanks she thinks the kitchen is looking fab...I wonder what she'll make of the changes in the bathroom...

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