Saturday 15 June 2019


Gosh, well that was a treat eh? The sun came out while I was out, and as I had already arranged to meet Mima for some refreshments we could bag one of the al fresco tables at the new plant-based cafe en la ciudad de mi corazon. The past week has had some trials to contend with and it was good to relax for a while, and be warm and dry enough not to need all the many protective layers I was carting around with me.

I've been in some considerable pain again and after hunting and gathering some fresh fruit and veg and other odds and ends I gave thanks for coming home and having a long lie down while the sunshine and breeze helped dry the laundry by the window. I promised myself no decorating today, but I give thanks for breaking that vow and doing a couple of little bits of work that needed no big ladders, heavy cans of paint  or grovelling in awkward places, but are something to look at and smile about and think 'Ooh it's coming on!'

I give thanks for the building manager sending a someone from the door company out to double check the neighbours who have been relentlessly ringing my bell insisting I come downstairs as they can't get in are simply not doing it right. I'd managed to demonstrate the correct use of a key to the woman who summoned me crossly the other afternoon, but the chap last night when I was getting ready for bed was in such a strop I decided not to go there. I'm very grateful we are due to get the new entryphone soon so at least I can just push a button if they keep pushing mine. Oh and I give thanks for the courier who left a card telling me where to find a hidden parcel when I came home this afternoon. Inside were my new pink plant pots for my new plants for the bathroom. I've tried and failed to change the bracket to put the blind back up, and haven't been up to stretching up for more painting in there so it's nice to see a bright change anyway. Right I'm off for a bath to enjoy the greenery and pinkery before my tea...have a lovely evening folks!

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