Saturday 25 April 2020


I give thanks for coincidences - well mostly anyway! Last week I was watching the One World Together highlights...and there's a kidney machine: then today in a Netflix doc about a straight Jewish couple who ran a gay porn empire there's a few more (in the pre-porn part of the story!) and both times I'm like 'Really? Could I not have a break from renal reminders in my break?'

There have been recent ones that have made me smile though. At the hospital for some reason yesterday the I found myself missing the infectious chuckle of the young Italian nurse at my former dialysis base. ..and shortly after heard that she will soon also be temporarily displaced to my current one. This was followed by watching an episode of a comedy some years old where everyone has to stay indoors as outside has suddenly become an invisibly dangerous place to be, and this morning, searching for just the right fabric on the internet (a hobby that takes up far more time than actual sewing these days), I lamented the fact that recording The Great British Sewing Bee may be a casualty of social distancing rules...and a few minutes later realised filming and post production were done and it had actually started on TV!

I give thanks for cooler cloudier weather again today as I felt right poorly last night and have been in gentle recovery today. As the outside has become suddenly invisibly dangerous it's much easier to resist if it doesn't look irresistible! For snoozing on the sofa, easy things to eat, and taking it easy with the creative pursuits that my spirits so enjoy but make my hands so painful.

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