Monday 6 April 2020


I give thanks for appreciating the universe's irony regarding the yoga session. It was via a Facebook link and Facebook kept going down down here beforehand. I give thanks for optimistically preparing my bedroom anyway with dim light, candles, cushions etc and for intermittently enjoying the introductory instructions in between fiddling with my phone and tablet trying to get them back. There were some affirmations to say to yourself, including one about getting whatever you needed from the session. Lost the connection completely not long after that, so gave thanks for deciding maybe I didn't need a lot just then and just enjoying savasana a while...before getting up and making some veggie stew for today's tea.

I give thanks for waking up feeling well and energetic and doing some jobs I would have done yesterday if I'd not felt weak and ill. For getting a shift on so I could be downstairs early to have a few minutes in the sun...and trying not to be cross when the driver rang to say he was a few minutes away much earlier than I thought. For the lovely Ronda who books us in arriving at the unit at the same time as me and directing me to a gloriously sunny and sheltered bench on the other side of the building...and my first chance this year to soak up some much appreciated warming rays.

I give thanks for dressing in lots of layers as we can't take our own blankets now and the temperature varies so much inside the building. This time I was in an extraordinarily cosy room and didn't even need my cardigan and scarf, but it was a treat not to be bundled up and still deeply chilled. It was a long old day with lots of waiting and malfunctions of body and machine, and I give thanks when my blood pressure suddenly dropped for the reminder you never know when your time is up. It always feels as if the end is very near when that happens...

I give thanks for a few more minutes fresh air before my transport home arrived. For the rare treat of a driver with a similar sense of humour - sharing laughter really perked me up. For the increasing peacefulness now I'm here...and the ghost buses advertising A Quiet Place and The Invisible Man. Oh and I just remembered that stew!

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