Tuesday 26 October 2021


Sofa so good! I forget sometimes I'm allowed to stay on it even when capable of upward mobility at a push. I give thanks for not pushing myself much today, though it was tough and go here and there - my drive to achieve can be an attribute to be grateful for but also a curse on occasion. Besides, a number of things I wanted to achieve involved leaving the building and it was way too peoply out there. For mild and sometimes sunny weather helping my washing dry as well as the holidaymakers throng. 

I give thanks for not falling asleep so far despite waking dismally early, and feeling rather dismal for a sizeable chunk of the day. For the real Hermes delivery driver really delivering a package earlier and explaining as he doesn't work Sundays someone who doesn't know the area covers the route. I give thanks the customer service team are allegedly investigating and I think I've raised a query with the company that sent the goods as well, though some confirmation they've received it might confirm it! 

For finding a way to halve the cost of something I want to do but which was going to be rather expensive. This way I can also get my money back if it turns out I can't do it after all which is also rather pleasing. 

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