Tuesday 5 October 2021


Dozed off on the sofa last night before I could immerse and woke up feeling so sore and poorly it was a struggle getting to bed, but I'm grateful for sleeping far longer than I have done for a long time...and, in one of the waking up bits, hearing the raging tempest outside. Goodness me it was loud! 

For a good day today - physically feeling strong and well and for the psychological delight of hearing the elevated liver enzyme that has been causing consternation has subsided to such a degree that the specialist nurse on my case agreed I should lower the steroid dose a little more instead of me having to argue about it. 

For a quick trip to my favourite local town with Mima for a recce of flooring for the kitchen...and while I was doing this for my new worktop being delivered to Clive's workplace ready for cutting and delivering to me! So exciting! For the seeing the sea looking so beautiful from the top deck of the bus that I was inspired to use some of the day's unexpected energy to go for a little walk in the bright blusteryness when I got back to admire it some more. Had to go rather further than I intended to avoid pesky humans but though my knees weren't keen the rest of me was delighted. I was very grateful I wasn't far from a bus stop to get back!

For searching through my vintage cassette collection for Penguin Cafe Orchestra and finding The Cocteau Twins instead. Wow, I'd forgotten what ear candy their album Treasure is!

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