Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Anthropology of Turquoise

Thank you for kind leg related comments here and on Facebook. Clearly they and the bag disguising costume will render me acceptable to public view when I'm ready to exhibit more in 'real life' than a rolled up sleeve or trouser leg.Yesterday I was only up for a T shirt and combats but still felt rather revealed without my winter layers. It was lovely to sit in a selection of scenic spots on the sea front and even on the beach itself which meant getting down to floor level and back using muscles still a little tender. Perhaps down to a sunny patch beside the shrubbery later? We'll see. I'm on double rations of Magic Medicine at the moment to try and boost my energy.. Before someone tells me I shouldn't this is is just Dr Udo's Beyond Greens and I'm not even taking the suggested dose...you'd have to be really be landed gentry for that (and be willing to sell off the land). I am grateful for discovering this potion nonetheless.

I give thanks for this week's Simon Reeve's Indian Ocean which I caught up with properly last night. Apart from the aforementioned dump there were some very heart warming stories of conservation and cultural integration. I was rather struck by the little settlement in Oman only reachable by sea (always a favourite access restriction!) where there had developed some ways of their own...including using the English word for 'door' and 'star' rather than the Arabic ones! And seeing Muslims coming for blessings from Ganesh in Mumbai...that was right up my street too...

I'm reading a book called the Anthropology of Turquoise. I chose it for its name first of all...well I would wouldn't I? Grateful for the beautiful writing... and grateful for the smell of shampoo when I went to the plastic bottle recycling bin yesterday. Better than sour milk!

Yes Lynn, though much chopped about over the years the terrace I live in still retains some grandeur. You know my address...I'm sure you'll have seen on google that we still have quite extensive communal gardens to share as well. And yes Carol, the town I live in is wonderful in many ways and I literally shake my head in amazement and shed tears of joy sometimes at being here. When I first moved and had to spell the name for people I'd say 'that's H...E...A...V...E...N'!

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